Thursday, July 30, 2009

Catching Up

Well I guess it's been a few weeks since I've last been on here & I'm catching some slack from people which I'll keep nameless. So what's been going on in the Moore/Masching household, I'll tell you, a whole lot of nothin. When I left off on the 13th, Bryce had been finishing up his "All Star Tournament" and then they were staying that whole week w/their father, (since he gets them 2wks out of the summer) so of course if I'm not running Bryce or Kamryn somewhere, the babies & I pretty much are bored at home. So then we got the kids back the week the 4-H fair started so between all 6 of us we were pretty much there every night. I took Bryce & Kamryn the first night for wrist band night for the rides while Todd stayed home w/the babies, Tues kids were w/josh so Todd & I took babies out there to look at the animals, wed all 6 of us went out there & Thur Todd took Bryce & Kamryn for demo derby night, while babies & I stayed home, (big shocker there). July 22 (wed) I took all 4 kids to Bloomington since the babies had their 18 month ckup, all is well w/their chunky butts, Olivia is 27lb 10oz & Owen is 26lb 8oz, not a surprise that chunky butt weighs more, she must take after her father (kidding, who am I kidding, I have some junk in my trunk too) so after their Dr. appt I took kids school clothes shopping & wasn't that bad besides the fact that Bryce now wears adult men clothes, I guess I should be happy it's not women's clothes (ha ha) plus he needed football cleats & since he just loves his golf these days needed a gold bag not to mention a few more school supplies so needless to say it was day completely for Bryce & Kamryn & a whole lot of $$$ spent. I take that back I did buy myself 2 pairs of awesome basketball shorts, so I can cover my thighs that are pissing me off, but I won't start that story, I just need something that starts w/L & ends w/O & we all know what that is. Bryce & Kamryn then left on the 24th for their other week w/josh & this time they went to Wisconsin. So if you're starting to get that when Bryce & Kamryn aren't here I'm bored & spend no $$ but when they are home it's bickering & I'm spending $$ somehow. When they return this weekend, next week starts the running all over again w/football & golf practice & the 4-H safety program Wednesday, they both want their friends over & Kamryn is doing a day camp for Brownies. So I hope this has explained what we've done since last time I was on here, I promise not to be gone so long. I'll be venting here soon enough when my wonderful children return home. Bye for now

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